اسلام میں اکل و شرب کی حلت و حرمت کی مصالح

Benefits of the Permissibility and Prohibition of Eating and Drinking in Islam


  • Tooba Noori Women University Multan
  • Dr. Sabiha Abdul Quddus


Foodstuffs, Reconciliation, Physical need, Survival, Rules and Regulations


Islam consists of a comprehensive system of beliefs, worship, society, economy, and ethics. He has also given humans a clear system of food and drink, which is very comprehensive, balanced, pure, and sophisticated. Islam has given formal education to its followers on halal and haram and also considers halal as the basis of faith and piety, acceptance of prayers, and closeness to Allah. Therefore, there are clear teachings in the Qur'an and Sunnah about this important issue, and the jurists of Islam have made it easier for the Ummah by setting the rules and regulations of halal and haram. Food is a human need, but if a person takes care of the halal and haram in fulfilling this physical need, then this need becomes his worship, but human nature wants food to be tasty and delicious, and water to be sweet and pleasant. Heavenly religions have taken great care of these subtle emotions and feelings of human beings, so they have made halal foods, which are called Tayyabat so that along with the nutritional needs, the natural emotions of the human beings and the satisfaction of the aesthetic tastes are halal. maybe possible in order to achieve this satisfaction, Shariat has laid down some rules which are very important to follow.

