نقد ِسند میں شیخ ناصر الدین البانی کا معیار (ایک تحقیقی و تجزیاتی مطالعہ)

Sheikh Nasiruddin Albani's criterion in hadith criticism: a research and analytical study


  • Dr. Shahzada Imran Ayub UE, Lahore
  • Mashhood Ahmad


Albany, Hadith, Sanad, Difference, Muhaddis, Principles.


Sheikh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani is considered a great muhaddith of the present age. He spent more or less sixty years of his life in the service of Hadith and compiled about 200 published and unpublished books. Although there are some differences in the hadith research such as the weakening of some correct Ahadith or the correction of some weak Ahadith etc. But this does not mean at all that he had formulated any new rules unlike the previous muhaddiths. Rather, he has followed the principles of previous Muhadditheen in Naqd-e-Sanad. Therefore, whether it is Adalat-e-Ruwaat or Dhabt-e-Ruwaat, or Itisaal-e-Sanad, in all of them the Shaykh has presented the research of the Isnad according to the principles set by the Muhadditheen. Therefore, like the previous muhaddiths, he has rejected the Hadith of the narrator who is a liar, accused of lying, immoral, ignorant, heretical, multi-faceted, obscene, false, anti-reliability and highly delusional. In the same way, along with the moallaq, mursal, modhal, munqate and mudallas narrations are also rejected by him like other Muhadditheen.


