The Rising Trend of Islamophobia and Its Global Impacts: An Academic and Research Review


  • Dr Mohammad Islam Elementary and Secondary Education Department KP
  • Dr. Tayyaba Razzaq Assistant Professor Islamic Studies Department, Emerson University Multan
  • Asma Bibi M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, SBBWU Peshawar


Islam is the religion of peace and protection for the the whole world and huminity. Abusiveness and oppression, all kinds of fraud, treachery, lies, adulteration and usury are forbidden in Islam. It is clear from the teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah that Islam is against all kinds of mischief, unrest, unjust killing, terrorism and atrocities. A study of any aspect of Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ reveals the fact that He ﷺ was the Prophet of peace and departed from the world after establishing peace in the world. People, influenced by the best manners of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and began to enter Islam in droves and enemities and hatreds began to disappear. Many westeren writers have also written that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ established peace in the world and before Him there was no peace and no law in the Arab. But unfortunately fear of Islam and false propaganda against Islam was started by the infidel, polytheists from the day one and this fear is still found among non-Muslims specially in the West to great extent which is called Islamophobia in modern sense. Due to Islamophobia, various attempts were made to link Islam with terrorism, which had major negative effects. In this research paper, the growing trend of Islamophobia at the global level will be specially evaluated in the present time. Apart from this, it will also be tried to take into consideration its effects, its causes, historical background and appropriate measures for remediation at the global level.


