امام ابن قیم رحمہ اللہ کا اعلام الموقعین عن رب العالمین میں اسلوب ومنہج

The style and methodology of Imam Ibn Qayyim in "I'lam al-Muwaqqi'in 'an Rabb al-'Alamin"


  • Ruqia Bano The women university Multan
  • Ayesha Ajmal


Ibn-e-Qayyim,Rad e Biddat, Taqleed


This feature of Islam is that it is a universal religion. This feature is also due to the fact that the Islamic Scholars   took the responsibility of spreading Islam after the  Prophet hood  and they were always  busy in spreading the Islamic rules. They devoted themself   to writing and   publishing books , They  took up the  pen on various rules of Islamic law and wrote books which are a torch for people even after the passing of centuries. One of them is Ibn Qayyim whose books are about Tawheed and Hub-e –Rasoolﷺ. He had to face many kinds of suffering as a result of Rad –e-Biddat and Taqleed . He loved his teacher Ibn Taymiyyah very much, because of which he used to publish his ideas and thoughts.


