بعثت نبوی ﷺسے قبل عرب معاشرے میں یہودیت کے مذہبی وسماجی اوراقتصادی اثرات کا عہد حاضر سے تقابل

A comparison of the religious, social and economic effects of judaism in the Arab society before the coming of the Prophetﷺwith the present era


  • Syed Ashfaq Ahmad PhD Scholar of Islamic studies NCBA&E Sub Campus Multan
  • Hafiz Muhammad Waseem Yaseen PhD Scholar of Islamic studies NCBA&E Sub Campus Multan
  • Syed Muhammad Najam-Ul-Qosain PhD Scholar of Islamic studies NCBA&E Sub Campus Multan


jews, Banu Nazir,Banu Quraiza ,Banu Qainaqa,religious,Madinah, religiou


After the death of Hazrat Musa(peace be upon him) some jews from Syria came and settled in Mdina and its surrounding.Among them Banu Nazir,Banu Quraiza and Banu Qainaqa are worth mentioning.The local people here also accepted their their religious influence and joined jidaism.the jewd had established educational schools in Madinah.they called them Bait al Madaris,torah wad taufht in these madrsas.because the Ansar were not full of knowledge,they accepted the religious influence of the jews.Based on the gospels of their books,the jews belived that the last prophet would come and they used to express this in various gatherings.And according to his assumption that he wil be from among the Bani Israel and then we will rule over the whole,he used to frighten the people by saying these things.And while trying to prove their religious influence had spread so much that they believed that a person whose children would not survive,i.e.died at the age of innocence,would make a vow for the children that if they it they were born if the child is still alive,he will be made a jew. They specialized in fishing, animal husbandry and agriculture, had large orchards, gave loans on usurious transactions, and had dyeing and armaments factories. The way in which they tried to convince their religious supremacy and obtained these resources by making cunning moves for economic development, keeping this picture of this period in front of them, if their affairs are analyzed in today's modern times, then in this Not even the slightest change has occurred.


