Rushd Journal <p><strong>Lorem Ipsum</strong> is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.</p> en-US Rushd Journal 2411-9482 جاوید احمد غامدی کے نظریہ موسیقی کا تنقیدی جائزہ <p>Allah has created humans for the purpose of worship and servitude to Him and has commanded them to refrain from things that may distance them from their Creator. Among such things is singing accompanied by musical instruments. There are no differing opinions among scholars regarding singing without musical instruments, with most classical and contemporary Islamic scholars considering it permissible. However, when it comes to singing with musical instruments, many view it as prohibited, while some consider it permissible. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi is among those who advocate its permissibility and present clear arguments in its favor. Ghamidi has based his arguments on cases where activities are generally considered permissible by scholars, such as singing without musical instruments, singing by children on festive occasions or at weddings, and playing the tambourine. This article provides a comprehensive and analytical review of the evidences presented by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi on this matter.</p> Dr. Shahzada Imran Ayub Tauqir ul zaman Ahsan Mehmood Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 4 02 01 26 پاکستانی مدارس دینیہ میں تدریسِ سیرت کا ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ: وفاق ہائے دینی مدارس کے حوالے سے <p>Allah Almighty has declared the blessed life (Seerah) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺas the best example and Role Model for all human beings. Therefore, it is obligatory to acquire knowledge of the Seerah of the Prophetﷺ . His blessed life is a blessing for all human beings. It is our first responsibility and a necessary requirement of our faith to enlighten the future generations with the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, because in all corners of the Prophet's ﷺ Seerah, there is guidance and guidance for all humanity. His blessed Seerah is the Comprehensive and Universal, in the light of which we can solve all our problems and also become able to face all kinds of new challenges. The comprehensiveness and universality of Seerat-e-Tayyaba ﷺ demands us that we have to the best arrangement for its reading, teaching and inclusion as a permanent subject in all our educational institutions. Unfortunately, no serious efforts have been made to fulfill this responsibility in our country Pakistan. This lack is being felt in the curricula of all educational institutions of Pakistan. The same is the case with the curricula taught in our religious schools, i.e. in Deeni Madrassas. In their curriculums, Quran and Sunnah, Islamic jurisprudence, Arabic grammar and logic etc. are taught, but there is no encouraging arrangement regarding the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ as a permanent subject or any specific discipline. Those who graduate from these religious Madrassas are really the first preachers of of Islam. So, therefore, it is necessary for them to have complete access to all the sciences regarding the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammadﷺ. There are some modern requirements and new challenges of the present age. Islam is a religion of peace and harmony, but efforts are being made to portray it as a terrorist religion in the West. The Orientalists are raising objections to Islam and the Prophet's ﷺ life. Therefore, it is very important to organize the teaching of Seerat-e-Tayyaba ﷺ in a comprehensive manner and as a permanent subject in our Dini Madrassas. Seerah is not being taught as a discipline in our Islamic Madrassas,. Therefore, at this time, there is need to create a comprehensive curriculum for Islamic Madrassas, which includes permanent books of Seerah for teaching. It is also the need of the time to renew the curricula of Islamic Madrasas and to include the Seerah of Prophet ﷺ in a thematic manner. The summary and result is that our religious educational tradition strongly demands different aspects of specializations in the Prophet's ﷺ Seerah. The main goals and objectives of this research are that an attempt will be made to evaluate the trends of teaching Seerah in Pakistani Deeni Madrasas and an analytical study of the books of Seerah already included in the curriculum of religious madrasas will be done. This work will be done with reference to the curriculums of different boards of religious Madrassas in Pakistan. An attempt will be made to discuss the need and importance of studying Seerah in the curriculum of Deeni Madrassas. The basic question of the research will be that what are already present there in the teaching of Seerah in Pakistani Religious Madrassas and what more we needs to be done in this regard.</p> Dr. Mohammad Islam Dr. Mohammad Islam Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Sajjad Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 4 02 27 54 تقسیمِ وراثت میں عول، غامدی صاحب کے نقطہ نظر کا تحقیقی جائزہ <p>Allah created humans and organized their life by divine laws mentioned in Quran and Sunnah. Among these laws is the "law of inheritance" and its distribution to distribute the legacy among the heirs justly and wisdomly. The principles and procedure of dividing legacy are mentioned in Farāidh, the branch of Islamic jurisprudence. The sub-branches of this science are agreed by most Islamic scholars, with little differences about certain issues. Awl is one of the subjects that are not debatable among the classic jurists, but modern day Scholar Mr. Javed Ahmed Ghamdi's position is completely different in this regard as he negates the principle of "Awl". The current research adopts this subject to be its problem and explains the difference regarding this problem suggesting the most overwhelming opinion among the Islamic jurists and scholars.</p> Muhamamd Nauman Asghar Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 4 02 55 72 احسان کا عملی انطباق، امورِ شرعیہ و عبادات کے تناظر میں تحقیقی جائزہ <p>The religion of Islam is the name of a perfect and complete code of life. Whose teachings are the guarantor of success and rule in this world and the hereafter. Islam provides guidance for us in all areas of life, Islam teaches its believers to benevolence. And this Islam is the only religion in the world which has ordered to perform everything from religious affairs to worldly affairs with beauty and goodness. Ihsan literally means “good behavior and good action”. In the religion of Islam, its broad and comprehensive meaning is to carry out every work with beauty, goodness, and decency in matters of Shariah and worship and also in worldly affairs. The life of Rasoolullah ﷺ is a beautiful example of goodness and excellence in fulfilling and completing affairs and affairs. By adopting the teachings of the Holy Prophet, a person becomes a figure of kindness and beauty. Sharia matters and acts of worship, which have a special relationship with the person of Allah Almighty, Islam teaches goodness and goodness in it. This paper explores the concept of Ehsan in Islam, emphasizing its practical applications in Shariah and worship. The paper also delves into the role of Ehsan in personal worship, emphasizing its impact on the spiritual experience. It discusses how Ehsan transforms ritualistic practices like prayer (Salah), fasting (Sawm), and almsgiving (Zakat) into deeper acts of devotion, focusing on the inner dimensions of these practices. Ehsan in worship involves an acute awareness of God's presence, leading to mindful, heartfelt engagement.</p> Hafiz Mubashir Rasheed Hafiz Muhammad Sajjad Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 4 02 73 95 فتاوی اہل حدیث از حافظ عبد اللہ روپڑی: تعارف و تجزیہ <p>The Indian subcontinent is considered one of the most fertile lands in terms of knowledge, where genius scholars were born. They left a significant mark in the field of education and learning. He waged jihad against the British's unjust system through his pen and language and also refuted many false sects that emerged in the subcontinent. There are many scholars whose books alone suffice for their recognition. Among them is Hafiz Abdullah Roopari. He authored approximately 250 works, many of which are well-known. His fatwas, spanning two volumes, are concise yet well-reasoned. In his fatwas, jurisprudential insight is evident, along with arguments from the Qur'an and Hadiths, providing satisfactory answers to inquirers. This article reviews Hafiz Abdullah Ropri's Fatwa Ahl al-Hadith's style and methodology.</p> Ruqia Bano Dr Khalida Siddiqui Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 4 02 96 115 علامہ جمال الدین زیلعی کا منہج تحقیق حدیث نصب الرایہ کااختصاصی مطالعہ <p>Allama Jamaluddin Zailai was a distinguished scholar among the Hanafis. Arbab Seerah referred to him as Hafiz al-Hadith. He was highly proficient in Hadith studies. His book, Nasib al-Raya, is the foremost and most significant compilation of the hadiths from Kitab al-Hidaya. Allama Zailai exhibited fairness and impartiality while assessing the authenticity and credibility of his hadiths. He also delivered an intricate discourse on Rijal, introducing some unique reforms such as Ghareeb, among others. He categorizes certain hadiths as Murthal to demonstrate their evidentiary value, considers the silence of Imam Abu Dawud as commendable, and remarks on the authenticity claimed by Imam Hakim and Imam Tirmidhi, advising not to be misled by these claims and to adopt a stance of prudent trust.</p> Hamid Mahmood Dr Muhammad feroz.ud.din shah khagga Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 4 02 116 139 ذاتِ نبویﷺ میں نفاست وعمدگی کے مظاہر، تحقیقی جائزہ <p>The personality of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the best example for us. His Highness was covered with all kinds of goodness and perfection. He taught us goodness through Islam. He liked excellence, sophistication and beauty in everything, every act of the Messenger of Allah&nbsp; was beautiful, every action was beautiful, every look was charming, every scene was attractive, every state was best. Your choice is the beautiful, the choice of the Holy Prophet is the highest, the speech of The Prophet is the most unique, the speed of the Prophet is the most unique, your sitting is unique, your gait is excellence, your words is brilliant, your smile is prosperous. , your morals, the goodness that can be considered in the world, or what a good human being considers to be good, was a part of the character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the motto of his good qualities.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rather, goodness and beauty are those which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) adopted and liked for himself. It is ideal, no matter what the circumstances and matters, good manners are a part of the Holy Prophet's character. Whether it is the style of eating food or the manner of adorning the clothes, the quality of the clothes or its sewing and design, whether it is the weapons of war or the travel equipment, beauty in everything is the priority of the Prophet. It was not available, but he used to carry his luxury goods with him even when traveling. Goodness and excellence were an essential part of his optional affairs, he never abandoned them under any circumstances, but he also taught excellence and sophistication to his followers and did not like sloppiness, disorganization, ugliness or ugliness at all. The teaching of goodness is prominent in the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ, and he was happy to see excellence and sophistication in any work and praised it.</p> Ali Usman Samreena Gulzar Sanaullah Farooqi Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 4 02 140 163 قرآن و سنت میں اسالیب ِتحریم کا تحقیقی مطالعہ <p>Permissible things, referred to as "Halal" in Arabic, and prohibited things, known as "Haram," are clearly delineated in Islamic texts. However, hadiths also state that there are definitive boundaries between Halal and Haram, and actions within these margins are deemed Haram or prohibited. Therefore, it's crucial to comprehend how prohibition is articulated, including the terminology used to signify forbiddance. This paper outlines methods indicating prohibition, such as variations of the word "haram," words prefixed with 'la,' such as "la," or terms used to deter and dissuade actions, or those describing the worldly or afterlife consequences of an act. Moreover, actions declared as reprehensible or sinful are also elucidated. These methods are commonly employed in the Quran and Sunnah. The Holy Quran commands to combat those who do not believe and fail to prohibit what Allah has declared forbidden.</p> Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Yunus Dr. Faraz Ul Haq Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 4 02 164 188 علامہ ابن خلدون کے سیاسی افکار موجودہ پاکستانی حالات کے تناظر میں <p>The article relates Ibn Khaldun's theories to the current context of Pakistan, observing parallels between his emphasis on ethical governance and the nation's present challenges. It underscores the importance of adopting ethical values, promoting social cohesion, and ensuring just governance as critical for the nation's progress and stability. By examining Ibn Khaldun's insights, the article underscores their relevance to Pakistan's socio-political landscape, advocating for a renewed emphasis on ethical governance and social cohesion to foster the country's development.</p> Muhammad Sohail Arif Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad Naimat Ullah Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 4 02 189 214 علامہ دمیاطی رحمہ اللہ کی کتاب "المختصر في سیرة سید البشر" میں تفسیری نکات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ <p>The biography of the Holy Prophetﷺ is a vibrant and enduring topic. Numerous Muslim and non-Muslim biographers from the first century to the present have presented their research on various aspects of the Prophet’s personalityﷺ. According to primary sources, biographies vary widely. Among the types is the methodology of Tafseer Bil Masoor. Researchers compile material from the Quran and Tafsir. Notably, Abdul Momin bin Khalf bin Sharaf Uddin Damyanti (614-705), a prominent 7th-century Mufassir of Tafseer Bil Masoor, compiled his extensive book "المختصر فی سیرۃ سید البشر" on the biography of the Holy Prophetﷺ following the narrators’ methodology. In this book, Allama Dimyati elaborates on the Tafseer Bil Masoor from the Quran. He gathers material from primary sources and extensive Tafseeri literature. This paper analyzes material related to the explicit biography of Prophetﷺ.</p> Wisal Ahmad Dr. Hafiz Tahir Islam Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 4 02 215 240 جباتن کین جوان اسلام ملائشیا"جاکیم" کے حلال فوڈ اسٹینڈرڈکا تعارف ،کردارو دائرہ کار: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ <p>The consumption of Halal food is beneficial for mankind whereas crossing the limits of Halal can cause so many problems, difficulties and diseases. Every food either Halal or Haram have its own impact which can be transferred to the generations. That is why; Allah has ordered His Prophets and believers to consume Halal food. Allah says in Holy Qur'an: "O humanity! Eat from what is lawful and good on the earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is truly your sworn enemy. (Al Baqarah 2:168) Halal food is the food permitted for consumption of Muslims. All foods are considered Halal except those clearly identified "Haram" in the Holy Qur'an. According to latest research, international Halal food market will expand up to 739 billion dollars till 2025. Like all other big industries, Halal food is also controlled by non-Muslim business communities. Muslim scholars founded an organizational for Halal certification in second half of last century and afterwards, dozens of institutions came into being, which issue Halal certification of foods for Muslims. Malaysian Halal certification is a process in which an independent institute ensures that Halal food has been produced in accordance with Islamic principles and traditions. JAKIM sets the rules that food has been prepared keeping in view the halal standards. This article is an analysis of all steps of Halal certification including preparation of raw material, packing, labelling, safeties and transportation.</p> Dr Aqsa Aqsa Dr. Sumera Rabia Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 4 02 241 265 منهج الشنقيطي في تفسير القرآن بالسنة <p>The Holy Quran is the last holy book of Allah. Which is in Arabic language. This great and holy book was revealed to the last prophet of Allah, Muhammad ﷺ. Whose mother tongue was Arabic and could understand this book very well. Then in this holy book, the purpose of the revelation of this book to him was told that he should open it up to the people and explain what was revealed to them from their Lord. So, the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ fulfilled his duty. This method of Qur'anic rulings described by him is called Tafsir al-Qur'an by Sunnah, which is the most authentic method after Tafsir al-Qur'an by the Qur'an. This is because Allah Ta'ala, the One who revealed the Holy Qur'an, revealed its meanings and concepts to him regularly and made it clear that what Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would say would be a revelation from Allah. Then no one else can understand this revelation as much as the Holy Prophet ﷺ can understand it, because it was revealed to him. Therefore, the best method of Tafsir of the Holy Qur'an is Tafsir al-Qur'an with Sunnah after Tafsir al-Qur'an with the Qur'an. This method of Tafsir of the Holy Qur'an has been the focus of special attention among Muslim commentators since the beginning, where it received a lot of respect and honor, even it was considered the most authentic, correct, the most important and the most sacred method by Muslim commentators. Therefore, they kept this method in their commentaries (Tafaseer), that's why no book of Tafseer Bilamathur (تفسير بالمأثور) is free from it and this blessed series continues till now. Among the commentators who interpret the Holy Qur'an through the Sunnah is a mujtahid, jurist and muhadith, scholar of the fourteenth century, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Amin Al-Shanqiti (﷫). Whose important, famous and authoritative Tafsir is: "Azwa al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an by Qur'an". In which, like other methods, he has arranged to interpret the Holy Qur'an through Sunnah and adopted various and several methods for this. Is this Tafsir really a Tafsir that can be called a modern model of Tafsir al-Qur'an by the Sunnah? And is this method of tafsir in the Tafsir of Imam Al-Shanqiti acceptable to the commentators?We will try to answer such questions in the article under consideration. And at the same time, we will also briefly review the efforts of some of the other great commentators who adopted this method, so that in the light of it, we can clarify the position that the best method of interpretation of the Holy Qur'an is through the interpretation of the Sunnah and we can formulate a remedy for some of the misconceptions that have been spread about this method.</p> Hafiz Abdul Majid Dr. Hafiz Qudratullah Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 4 02 266 295 David Benatar کا پیش کردہ مشہور موازنہ اور اس کا فلسفیانہ جواب <p>From the study of Qur'an and Hadith, it is evident that the desire to have children is a natural thing. The arguments of the Qur'an and Hadith witnesses that after having children, it is also part of human nature to treat children with love and compassion. It is a matter of observation that a person is happy to have children and considers the non-availability of this blessing a deprivation for him. Due to this natural love of children, all mankind, regardless of color, race, region, and religion, has&nbsp; agreed on the acquisition of children for centuries and has continued the chain of the human race through the sacred bond of marriage. But in this age, some philosophical ideas have come up on the basis of which humanity has demanded to stop producing more children. This idea is called Anti- Natalism or anti-birth theory. The current leader of this theory is David Benatar, a thinker, philosopher and writer. David Benatar is best known for his book on Anti-natalism, Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence. In this book, David Benatar claims that coming into existence is always harmful, so having more children is morally wrong. David Benatar has given several arguments to support his theory. One of the main arguments is the asymmetry presented in the advantages and disadvantages of life and death, on the basis of which David Benatar says that non-existence is better than existence. This asymmetry presented by David Benatar is the main topic of our research. Our research concludes that this asymmetry fails to favor non-existence against existence as the cases on which this asymmetry is based are invalid.</p> Farhad Ali Rukhsar Iqbal Dr Rashid Munir Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 4 02 296 310 بلادِ اسلامیہ میں نئے مندر اور چرچ کی تعمیرکا مسئلہ پاکستان کے دینی مدارس و مراکز کے فتاویٰ جات <p>The issue of the construction of a new temple and church in Islamic Countries came to light in these years, when the construction of a temple in the heart of Islamabad began. On this occasion, shariah guidance was taken from renowned scholars and religious institutions of Pakistan, in which fatwas containing historical and Sharia arguments were written in addition to Quran and Hadith, traditions and consensus. Below, these fatwas are combined with brief commentaries, beginning with a brief explanation of the event and basic arguments.</p> Dr. Hafiz Hasan Madani Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 4 02 311 339 أهل الفترة في السنة النبوية: دراسة حديثية موضوعية <p>Allah Almighty provided complete sources for guidance of humanity the world. The purpose of revelation of prophets and apostles was to persuade people to perform good deeds and recognize the will of their Lord. Many nations or people were passed to whom prophets are not send. The question arrives that on the day of judgment, how they will be accounted whether they will be placed in Jannah or in Jahannam or they will under the mashiyat of Allah. All Hadiths in this research are related to Ahl Al-fatrah. This research mentions the meaning of the word Al-fatrah and its concept for the scholars and defining its people and judging them in the Day of Judgment. The general judgment of Hadith with its collective ways according to the chain of narrators and the judgment on testing Ahl al-fatrah with mention the sayings of the scholars who affirmed and those who denied, therefore showing the answers of those who affirmed against those who denied is discussed. The aim of the research is an illustration of Ahl Al-fatrah in Sunnah. The most important findings are this subject is very important for Al-salaf and they are interested in it. The scholars have different opinions in defining Ahl Al-fatrah but the origin is that all definitions include this kind. The preponderant opinion is that Allah will test them by entering them the fire. The obligation in the day of judgment is proved by the holy book and Sunnah as the obligation in the world life. It is neither difficult nor impossible for them to do that, and this is under the obedience of Allah. In this research, the dogma and belief of Ahl al-Sunnah are obvious and clear.</p> Dr Muhammad Usman Khalid Dr Hafiz Shabir Ahmad KHALID Dr Hafiz Qudrat Ullah KHALID Copyright (c) 2023 Rushd Journal 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 02 340 354 بعثت نبوی ﷺسے قبل عرب معاشرے میں یہودیت کے مذہبی وسماجی اوراقتصادی اثرات کا عہد حاضر سے تقابل <p>After the death of Hazrat Musa(peace be upon him) some jews from Syria came and settled in Mdina and its surrounding.Among them Banu Nazir,Banu Quraiza and Banu Qainaqa are worth mentioning.The local people here also accepted their their religious influence and joined jidaism.the jewd had established educational schools in Madinah.they called them Bait al Madaris,torah wad taufht in these madrsas.because the Ansar were not full of knowledge,they accepted the religious influence of the jews.Based on the gospels of their books,the jews belived that the last prophet would come and they used to express this in various gatherings.And according to his assumption that he wil be from among the Bani Israel and then we will rule over the whole,he used to frighten the people by saying these things.And while trying to prove their religious influence had spread so much that they believed that a person whose children would not survive,i.e.died at the age of innocence,would make a vow for the children that if they it they were born if the child is still alive,he will be made a jew. They specialized in fishing, animal husbandry and agriculture, had large orchards, gave loans on usurious transactions, and had dyeing and armaments factories. The way in which they tried to convince their religious supremacy and obtained these resources by making cunning moves for economic development, keeping this picture of this period in front of them, if their affairs are analyzed in today's modern times, then in this Not even the slightest change has occurred.</p> Syed Ashfaq Ahmad Hafiz Muhammad Waseem Yaseen Syed Muhammad Najam-Ul-Qosain Copyright (c) 2024 Rushd Journal 2020-12-27 2020-12-27 4 02 355 379 Shariah Appraisal of Insurance and Incoterms in International Trade <p>Import and export business plays a very significant role in the market and the economy of the country. Pakistan is an Islamic state, and Muslims are obliged by Islamic rulings to certain practices and limitations to be observed in their trade activities. For that purpose, it is much needed that some important aspects of Imports, and exports business should be evaluated in the light of Islamic law. As it is known insurance plays a very basic role in risk management of such a big business. As well as it is also a legal requirement in most cases. But on the other hand, it consists of some prohibited elements according to the Islamic law.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research identifies the legal requirements of the insurance in different stages of the imports, and exports business, as well as evaluates those issues in the light of Islamic law. It further discusses the solutions in the light of Islamic law and elaborates on the Islamic alternative for insurance, which is known as the Takaful.</p> Ahmed Abdul Rehman Muhammad Umar Farooq Ahmed Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 Rushd Journal 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 4 02 380 399 اصول تفسیر میں سر سید کی تجدیدومخصوصیت: تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p class="Abstract" style="text-align: justify; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed;">Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, a prominent figure in the intellectual history of South Asia during the 19th century, made significant contributions to various fields, including the principles of interpretation (Usul al-Tafsir) in Islamic scholarship. This research explores the renewal and uniqueness in Sir Syed's approach to the principles of interpretation, shedding light on his distinctive contributions to this field. Sir Syed's era was marked by profound socio-political changes and the encounter with Western education and thought. In response to these challenges, he sought to reinterpret and rejuvenate traditional Islamic scholarship. One of his notable contributions was in the domain of Usul al-Tafsir, where he applied a critical and rational approach. In his renewal of interpretative principles, Sir Syed emphasized the importance of contextual understanding and the application of reason (Ijtehad) in interpreting the Quran. He advocated for reconciling religious teachings with modern scientific knowledge, aiming to address misconceptions and bridge the gap between religious and scientific discourse. Furthermore, Sir Syed promoted linguistic analysis and historical contextualization of Quranic verses to derive a more comprehensive understanding. His approach was characterized by a commitment to preserving the integrity of Islamic teachings while embracing the advancements of his time. This study delves into specific aspects of Sir Syed's renewal in Usul al-Tafsir, exploring his views on linguistic analysis, historical context, and the harmonization of religious and scientific knowledge. It critically examines the impact of his unique contributions on the trajectory of Islamic scholarship, particularly in the interpretation of the Quran. In conclusion, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's renewal of Usul al-Tafsir reflects a dynamic engagement with the challenges of his era, presenting a distinctive approach that remains relevant for contemporary discussions on the interpretation of the Quran. His emphasis on reason, context, and the integration of knowledge contributes to the ongoing discourse on reconciling tradition with the demands of a changing world.</p> Tooba Khalid Dr Rashid Munir Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan Copyright (c) 2024 Rushd Journal 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 4 02 400 422 حقوق نسواں: وزیرستانی سماج اور اسلامی تعلیمات ایک جائزہ <p>According to Sharī’ah both men and women are equal as human beings. Where Islam mentions the rights of men, it also mentions the rights of women. From the worldly point of view, although men have superiority over women, they have not allowed to neglect the rights of women. And Islam has brought women to a position that has not been reached by any civilization and religion in the history of the world. Therefore, before the arrival of Islam in the Arab society, women were very oppressed, and she was considered the cause of all evils, they even used to kill them alive, but Islam gave women real freedom, gave them the right to live, blessed them with other social rights, and gave them rights that were impossible to imagine before Islam. Sharī’at Muṭahhirah has clarified all the orders regarding the rights of men and women. But still many people neglect it nowadays. Therefore, in our Waziristan society, many problems related to the rights of women have arisen, such as the problem of marriage, the problem of dowry, the problem of divorce, the problem of divorce, the problem of annulment of marriage (missing, madman), the problem of inheritance, the problem of education etc. And these problems have become very serious. Even some issues have become customary due to which women's rights are being violated as well as opposition to Islamic teachings. Therefore, in the article under review, the solution of the above-mentioned problems related to women's rights in Waziristan society and Islamic teachings will be discussed.</p> Muhammad Asif Haroon Sana Ullah Copyright (c) 2024 Rushd Journal 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 4 02 423 436